St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident


Class Teacher: Mrs Anchor 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Carter

Keep checking our webpage and Weduc to see what we have been doing in class!

Welcome to our Year 2 class! 

We have lots of fun activities planned for the year, so keep your eyes peeled for updates on our class page.  Please scroll down for key documents and information at the bottom of the page.

Here is some useful information to help keep you organised this half term:



P.E. this half term is taught on Mondays and Thursdays.


Please make sure your child attends school in their PE uniform on this day.

PE Uniform - Black jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings, a white t-shirt, school jumper or cardigan and trainers or pumps. 



Reading books must be brought into school daily.


Homework is consists of: Spellings, Reading, and TTRS.

 Spellings will be given out as a paper copy for your child to practise and they can also use spelling shed online. The children will be set timetables to practise on TTRS and will take home their reading books each week. 

Look out for other ideas you can do at home on Weduc. 

If you have any problems or questions do not hesitate to contact me!

Mrs Anchor


Maths Knowledge Organiser - Addition and Subtraction

On Monday 16th December we had some special visitors to school. Santa's Reindeer came to visit!

Whitworth Library Visit 12.11.2024 

We visited Whitworth Library today and had lots of fun listening to stories, completing book reviews and drawing pictures from our favourite stories.  

Odd Sock Day 12.11.2024 

Odd sock day is an opportunity to encourage everyone to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! 

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This half term we have been on a walk around Whitworth, identifying key buildings and finding them on the map. We had lots of fun using the maps to navigate to certain points in Whitworth. We even had the opportunity to see inside the Lighthouse food bank, where we met Steve who told us all about the amazing work the The Lighthouse do!

Visit from the Firemen

Year 2 had a brilliant time when the Firemen came to talk to us about fire safety. We found out how to make a fire safety plan at home and what we should do if there is a fire, the importance of smoke alarms and what to do if our clothes set on fire. We had a lovely time acting out our fire safety plans and trying on the uniforms!

Black History Week 

As part of our Black History week we have been learning about Rosa Parks. 

Rosa was a member of a civil rights group which fought for black and white people to be treated the same. She was arrested and taken to jail for a few hours when she refused to give up her seat for a white man. 


We have had fun this week practising our yoga!

Harold the Giraffe came to visit!

This week Emma from Life education (Scarf) brought Harold to visit. We had a lovely lesson learning all about our feelings and how we can help others.


Forest School - Microhabitats 

In science we have been looking at microhabitats and minibeasts. We have been up to our Forest school to have a look for minibeasts and make our own microhabitats. Have a look at our wonderful creations! 

Hedgehog Poster competition 

Look at the fabulous posters that some of year 2 made to tell people how to care for Hedgehogs in our gardens. Whitworth council will be displaying them around Whitworth so keep a look out!

A big well done to Bowie and Isaac who won the competition and received a Hedgehog highway as part of their prize. 

Spring has arrived.

All the children are pleased to see the bulbs we planted in Autumn have started to grow. 

Science Crafternoon

During science week Year 1 and 2 invited parents to join in with our Science afternoon. We made lava lamps, colour rainbows, Science badges, wax resist paintings and lots of other exciting activities. The children  had a great time. 

We made parachutes as part of our science afternoon and tested how far they would fly. 

Athletics Festival 

Some of Year 2 represented school at the Athletics festival. They had a brilliant time and were really passionate about the activities. There boys won the relay race. Well done everyone that took part!

Library Visit

On Tuesday 21st November Year 2 visited Whitworth Library. We took part in a story session, made book marks and some of us became members! We had a lovely time and we are looking forward to our next visit in January. 

National Poetry Day

5th October 2023 

Year 2 looked at performance poetry and have performed 2 poems. 

Dinosaur Roar!

Harvest time is here again!

Planting bulbs ready for the Spring in the year 2 planter.

Key Documents

 Y2 Yearly Overview 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Aut1 Information for Parents Overview 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Number and Place Value Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
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